Books, dictionaries, pens, calculators: all the fundamental weapons that can be seen used by all who call themselves a student. Forcing ourselves up every day early in the morning to get ready for class but in our heads, we are willing to go back to bed anytime.
And there we go, attending hours and hours of lectures and tutorials just for the sake of the attendance and also to show our pretty face to our lecturers. Never knowing exactly what's happening in class or whatever the man or lady standing in front is babbling about. Anyway, that’s what we do, just sit there and dream in the world of our own and let the clock tick by and awaiting the phrase "that's all for the day" from the lecturer.
14 weeks of college life just pass by just like that. Then it comes, so called judgment day. 2 weeks of frustration, pressure, boredom, anything u can imagine that you wouldn't want to see in your life comes back to you again. Everyone starts to become silent; friends will turn over all your invitations, there's no mood for anything that you would like to do, and some even will look pale and finally fall sick…
Why??? Why does this process repeatedly come to us every time and we still take the chance to go through with it???
I'll tell u why… It's just because of a simple piece of cheap paper that cost no more than your everyday meal. We strive and strive and strive, never knowing what or till where we can achieve and just blindly follow the courses offered to us never knowing for what advantages or why the courses are made for us.
This is the 21st century. That's how the way things are these day. Study for a paper, suffer like hell, and get a damn piece of paper which offers a life in the near future. And for the later days of your life, that paper is just a souvenir that you put it in the cabinet and collect dust!!! ~.~